Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can nepotism be compromized?

For thousand of years has experienced changes. The changes creates new pattern in thinking and the point of view. Nepotism, actually, had been in the 'ice age' a long time ago. Currently, experts define the nepotism as a bad factor in human life and justice.

Talking about nepotism, at a glance, it reduces other rights and tends to monopolize and, with power or strength, one can master and control everything one's wishes and leave others and  negative effect, at last, can not be avoided. Nepotism has a sensitive tendency. Entering this area means to enter conflict of human rights. Its influences all aspects of life and both men and women claims their rights when it occurs around their life. Some says that nepotism can not be discussed for its 'renaisance'. On the other hand, no compromising for nepotism!. Is it always right?

The definition of nepotism of one expert and ideology, of course, is different of others. Here, nepotism is like  something in its own box. There are many boxes which defines the nepotism. Sometimes, the definition is fixed and can not be altered after long discussion. However, Fear of nepotism has forced one's wish to decide something good for all and most of them accuse each other to do something with it.

See this following illustration!

Nepotism is like a red diamond which becomes target of two interests; Human rights and X-Power. Each of the interests attack other to win 'this game'. 
Of course, Human rights will never be compromized with X-power which is powered by someone or group. When one interest wins the game, other will be a loser and be back again with its strategy to win the game for another chance. When someone or a group does something which is not opposite to other rights, could nepotism be compronised? How could that be?

Let me give you sample of case!
A worker or, say, an employee in a company is not a rich man, he is so poor and must finance his big family with small payment. For instance, To buy rice, he needs to pay Rp.7.500.- for his family with 8 members (say, one wife, one niece, 3 sons and 2 daughters and himself) but he only earns Rp.6.000.- in a day. How does he buy for vegetables, fruits even a 'basket' of steak?

Some day, he resubmit his Diploma III certificate to his personnel manager and someone, say, his friends who work in the company take part in promoting him for new position. One of his friends is a staff of personnel division, his name is, say, Mr.Tommy. Tommy knows much about him and want to help him for the position. At the same time, One of the personnel manager's colleagues talks to the manager and promotes his son too. Here, there are two men which is being promoted. One is from the diploma-III and other is from his colleague's son.

This following table is the comparison for you to decide if you are the personnel manager!

 For one reason, all people must help the poor man and he has the same right as the personnel manager's colleague's son. However, the core consideration here is not rich or poor aspect. the company and its activity must run and be managed as good as possible. Remember that when a position which drives thousands of employees must be the first purpose or consideration!. On the other hand, If a position is managed by unqualified person, the company will get down in many aspects and destruction can not be avoided. 

One thing more, If the qualification is politized for the personnel manager because of his respect to his colleague, this could be said "Nepotism". And, when the company really needs a position with the real qualification as above, this must go on. So, the conclusion is that there will not be a nepotism in procedural action in a legal company or other, specially in law and justice. What about you and your country?

Please feel free to contact me or click here to discuss this or if you have something to submit futher at joesoft7.developer@gmail.com

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