Everyone wants to be successful. Nobody dreams to be poor. When they get what they hope or dream, they say that they can buy many things and finance their family or go on overseas. They feel that being a rich man is comfortable and fun. However, they just have an elementary school certificate. They are poor people and can not finance themselves to go on their study in an academy or university to take, say, manegement, economy or accounting department.
For years ago, people could be successful because of their existance (read : prestigious heritage). They had a power to decide or do everything what they wished. They were rich because of their parents' existance in society. It was a matter of status in a community. In line with it, there were few men who built their strength to think and try to sell something or to do some business which was needed by most of people at that time. And, that could take them to be successful men. How could they?
'Ancient Successful men (ASM)' is different of 'Modern successful men (MSM)'. Most of ASM have lower educative background but they have a business thought or idea. For MSM, they have a higher educative bacground. Here, the difference is in education as a basic knowledge to know the world and to find more opportunity to get successful. However, it does not guarantee!
The most important thing is how to deal with the chance and take the chance for incredible thought. So many people wants to be a manager and earn a lot of money from their work and responsibility. But too many get failed and they even do not know why they find failure in everything they decide. So, what's the matter?
Actually, ancient successful man did many trials and errors. They found mistakes for their decision and action. However, they stood and built their own personality and point of view. They tried to do that agian, again and again till they got what they dreamt. So, the success can not be reached in one action. You have to do something else. To reduce the impossibility, you need a new and fresh idea. You can start from beginning and ask or even consult your problem from others. From here, you can consider and prepare for a new decision and action. Just do what you can do! Do not look 'upstairs', but look 'downstairs'.
KEY : "A Successful man knows that there is something wrong with their own thought, not with their business. He changes the way to think and to act till he gets the objectives!".