Saturday, February 5, 2011

Copyright: Why needed?

One of the professional ethics that must be understood by students, professionals and communities is a code of ethics in the field of Information Technology on the which They Should know the which the illegal and legal software is being Used or operated.

Indonesia has enacted legislation relating to copyright, patent and trademark.
Copyright protects intellectual works and art in the form of expression. The expression in question is in the form of writings, photos, pictures, books, poems, articles, songs, speeches, shows and videos and software such as windows, microsoft office.

Patents, are definitive, is the exclusive rights of copyright in the above expression in terms of trade. Copyright given to the lifetime of the author plus 50 years after creator's death. Patents valid 20 years.


Copyright (C)
Patent (TM)
The Application Process / Registered (R)

Copyright law aims to protect the rights of makers / creators to distribute, sell or create derivative from the original work. Protection obtained by the author is a protection against plagiarism (plagiarism) by others. Hk copyright is often associated as buy-sell licenses, but the distribution of copyrighted hk is not only in the context of sale for maker's work could have made a statement that the results of his work freely used and distributed by someone else (without the sale). It's called open source like linux and the distros.

Definition Freeware
Freeware is not clearly defined, but is used for packages which permit redistribution but not modification (and source codes)

Definition of Shareware
Shareware is software that allows others to distribute copies, but those who continue to use it are asked to pay a licensing fee. Shareware is not free software.

Definition of Open Source
Open source, as described above, is software that has a public license. That is, everyone can have it, source code and modify it and distribute the software to any party. For example: linux and the distros.

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