Tuesday, February 1, 2011


If the firm's profit rises or reaches 100%, business owners will feel happy and 100% is the greatest gift she probably never imagined before. However, if students do not pass 100%, not only students, teachers and parents are upset, Ki Hajar Dewantara will also cry.

Newspapers' Voice Merderka ", dated 30 April 2010, noted that students are not graduating in totality or 100%. This makes education actors (who have integrity, loyalty, credibility and high ideals in the world of education and students) to panic and shock. Thousands of questions come to the surface, "What really happened?".

It is said that education is a matter that should be prioritized to achieve a better future, both for students and the nation. Education is the process by which teaching and learning activities occur and progress. End of education (as we expect together) is the output in the form of independence of a student (which is a dynamic object system of education), both materially and spiritually. The concept of independence becomes important when the elements and factors forming independence exists, and qualified.

Principal elements of these are;

2.Metode and Planning Education
5.Sarana/Media learning

When one of the conditions above are not fulfilled, the result will not be effective education and even Target will become impossible dicapai.Diantara Independence primary cause of SMA cases a State KampungLaut, Cilacap, Central Java (100% of students did not pass the National Exam Schools) is the Place Learning and Communication.

Learning Place is a place of encounter between students and teachers there is a process in which knowledge transfer and knowledge, including science learning and religious personalities, and communicate with one another for the purpose of education without boundaries and independence. In such containers, the students actively engaged in learning to recognize, understand and practice what the students learned from his teacher. The dynamics of education becomes active when there are close ties between teachers and students who met the system in a container or place of learning.

Cases that occurred in a State high school KampungLaut, cilacap should be a consideration for the actors, including public education. Existing obstacles (the distance between home and school students so far and is limited by the river) is supposed to be sought solutions to ongoing education process to go well.

The more intense the meeting in place of education, the lack of understanding and reduces the rate of blindness in the science and knowledge. When the intensity is less than the ditargetkanm meeting, automatically, there is lack of understanding in the science and knowledge. And finally, The case can not be circumvented.

Development of students as future generations should receive higher priority for him to reach what he aspired to and achievements in their respective fields. That requires continuous support factors and participate in monitoring, supervising and making repairs to the success of education.

In addition to the above conditions, factor endowments of the parents and the environment also affect the educational success. Concentration of all factors in the educational process will result in a successful and independent output.

Of the cases serve targeted, we can take the lessons that all the elements of education and education advocates should work together and provide a special place for students didala achievement as high as possible so that the independence of students as the next generation will be achieved.

Student is a national asset that part of the equation in determining the setback and advancement of a nation. When disrupted education, student achievement will be pursued. And, if the achievement of students hampered, Independence would be impossible and will give birth to a radical generation, blind science and knowledge, easily influenced, anarchist, and finally, the devastation of a nation becomes difficult to be avoided.

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